Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The awakening...a check

Aug 31/ Sept 1 marks my 2 year anniversary in Tucson, AZ. If you know me you know that this stay has had its ups and downs...

I'm currently reading The Greatest Secret which is not to be confused with The Secret. The Greatest Secret is our personal relationship with God and the renewing of the mind. I am only on chapter 3 and as I turn each page I'm being slapped in the face. Its as if I'm reading about myself, my doubts, concerns, and questions but with instructions on how to fix it. Its all at my fingertips...but for some odd reason my dominant thoughts feelings are limiting me and what I can do for God, others and myself.

Its why I am still where I am at doing the same things etc. Do you have ANY idea how much that realization hurts!?! That there's no one to blame but myself. That I have to take my own advice and put on my BIG GIRL PANTIES and be about it instead of just talking about it. That dare I say it I have to be INTENTIONAL...

Lord your will not mine. No more complacency, mediocrity.... Asking the HARD questions and getting the answers. I WILL pass this test. I'm putting the plan into practice.
SIDENOTE: A great friend just shared this with me

Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.
(Matt 10) NIV
In a world where there are endless opportunities and possibilities, one can only wonder about what could be or could have been instead of having regrets
or seeking every possible venue for the best results chose the ONLY one that's worth anything.

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